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Life Organizing
Works in the same manner as the Life Planning service. In addition to planner/calendar creation, we will have a check-in call each week to see where the barriers are and how we can break through them on our way to creating more structure and organization in your life. This service is geared toward those who feel like their life is too overwhelming and they simply don't know where to even start to balance it out. I will provide guidance and suggestions during the check-in calls and also moral support as you work through this process. Sometimes an outside eye can see things more clearly.
Initial Consult Call
Three-month project
Ongoing Weekly Check-In Calls
Online Calendar
Weekly Checklist
Weekly Email Reminders
Execution Plan - Updated and Revised as Needed
Initial Consult Call
Three-month project
Ongoing Weekly Check-In Calls
Online Calendar
Weekly Checklist
Weekly Email Reminders
Execution Plan - Updated and Revised as Needed
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